
Sunflower, balsamroot, Balsamorhiza careyana, B. sagittata. “We picked some stems, cleaned and stripped them, and honored them at the feast this year (2002). We eat the flower stalk raw just like latítlatit.” ana kʷná ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a pášx̣aš kunam kʷná áyax̣ta sawítkna ‘there where the sunflower grows you will find the Indian carrot’; ku pɨ́nx̣i iwá waníči páš íiš ‘and the cow parsnip is similarly called sunflower’; kutya čáw áwa luˀlúˀ pašx̣ašmí ‘but the balsamroot’s [leaves] are not shiny [like the cow parsnip’s leaves are]’. [NE pášx̣a; N x̣áłya; Y p̓líwa (variety); NP /pasq/.]