Pole set in the ground, post, flag pole. ičáwaaluuka čáwaaluukšna pátukšpa ‘he raised the flag on the flagpole’; čawaaluukšpamá pátukš ‘flag pole’; pátukš palkliktpamá ‘fence post’. Plural: ptúkš palkliktpamá ‘fence posts’. [NP /ˀpeylékt/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Pole set in the ground, post, flag pole. ičáwaaluuka čáwaaluukšna pátukšpa ‘he raised the flag on the flagpole’; čawaaluukšpamá pátukš ‘flag pole’; pátukš palkliktpamá ‘fence post’. Plural: ptúkš palkliktpamá ‘fence posts’. [NP /ˀpeylékt/.]