With him, her, it. new info
Associative case.
- k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ataš piiní wínata watím ‘that is the man with whom I went yesterday’. Also functions as subject of the inverse: piiní pásapk̓usiya tílaakina ‘he cheated the woman’;
- k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana piiní páqinušana watím ‘that is the man whom he saw yesterday’;
- ana máal páwaničayisa piiní wánpašin ‘however long he the song names for him’;
- ku kʷaaná pátwanɨmta piiní ana pɨ́n kúušx̣i iwá x̣nít ‘and she who is similarly a root will come following that one’;
- k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana piiní páq̓inušana watím ‘that is the man who saw him yesterday’.
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[NW piiník; NP ˀipníin.]