
Yellow bells, Fritillaria pudica. It grows where the sawítk grows. Also called sɨknisɨ́kni. sɨ́kni iwá x̣nít ‘yellow bell is an edible root’; sɨknisɨ́kni áwa pát sɨt̓xʷsmí ‘yellow bell is hyacinth’s older sister’; sɨ́kni iwá čáw wíyat kúušx̣i kíilawitpa ana kúuš sawítk ‘yellow bell is almost the same in taste as the Indian carrot’. [NE c̓astalɨ́l; NP “ˀistiméx” (Aoki 1994:660); cf. sɨ́kli ‘around, in a circle’.]