
Pack (wood, etc.) on the back. išápa ílukasna ‘he carried the wood on his back’; išápša ‘he is packing it’; ášapɨnk ‘pack it on your back!’; išápa čatk̓ulikíiki ‘he packed it by bundling’; ičátk̓ulika ku išápna ‘he bundled and packed it up’; qášap ‘load pack on back’; šapášapn ‘put a pack on the back’; šápa ‘pack, carry on the back’; šápša ‘load, load on’; šaptpamá ‘pack rope’; wápas sáptay ‘backpack’; šápi ‘packed on the back, pack horse’. Also k̓alák. [NE ɨšáp; NP /ˀsep/.]