
With a saliently one dimensional object; in single file. súčipši ‘make vomit with a stick’; súkiik ‘mop’; súk̓ɨnk ‘close off’; sulátx̣ ‘put a long object into fire’; suk̓páwas ‘pin’; súk̓ʷaak ‘gore with horns’; sunáyti ‘go in single file’; súnknik ‘parade’; šúpni ‘jut out (land or rock ridge)’; súp̓sk ‘string beads’; súƛ̓wanp ‘dip’; súx̣aap ‘put under, put in oven’; suyátk ‘skewer fish or meat’; sulátas ‘leggings’; súwapx̣ʷaamit ‘tepee ear pole’. See also šú-. [NP /cú-/.]