Indian hemp, dogbane, Apocynum cannabinum. It is dampened with burlap put around and covered up with dirt for a week to make it easier to split. They use a bone (t̓ɨx̣náwas) to clean off the outer part.
- pašáx̣ƛ̓ka taxʷɨ́s ‘they cut their dogbane’;
- paˀanítaša taxʷɨ́sna ‘they are going there to prepare the dogbane’;
- pašapálk̓ʷitša taxʷɨ́sna náx̣š pačwáywit ‘they are burying the dogbane for one week’;
- pat̓ɨ́x̣na taxʷɨ́sna ‘they softened the dogbane’;
- patknínx̣ana kʷaaná taxʷɨ́sna ‘they would roll that dogbane’;
- iwapsíca taxʷɨ́sna ‘he braided the dogbane’;
- paˀaníx̣ana sápk̓ukt taxʷɨsmí ‘they used to make bags out of dogbane’.
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[WS txʷs, táxʷs; NP /qemu/; cf. /t´xʷi/ ‘spin Indian hemp’.]