
Land, earth, ground, place. pinátamasklikša tiičám ‘the earth is turning over’ (said at the turn of the seasons or at an eclipse of the sun or moon); čč̓íw ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a ana kʷná iwá yáƛ̓pit tiičám ‘cattails grow where there is wet land’; ku kʷná paníya tiičám Háwtmipa ‘and there they gave out land on McKay Creek’; šuyápu ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwíˀaniya níit níix̣pa tiičámpa ‘the whiteman built all his houses on the good land’; ana mɨná tiičám níix̣ iwá ‘wherever there is good land’; ana kʷaaná pátamanwiya čná tiičámpa naamíyay ‘that which he legislated for us in this land’; sulcasmaamí tiičám ‘the veteran’s grounds’; tímani tiičám ‘Indian reservation’; yáƛ̓pit tiičám ‘wet lands’; hawláak tiičám ‘heaven’. [NP /wétes/; tiičám, if originating from the NW, might be cognate with ‘meadow’; e.g., *teˀek (cf. CR táy; NE taˀák; NP téekin) plus -am (which see).]