



  1. k̓ʷáytaš wá naamí tkʷátat ana mɨná ittáwax̣ša ‘that is our food wherever it is growing’;
  2. tkʷátat pináwšuwaša čná tiičámpa ‘the food is getting itself ready in this land’;
  3. wínašanaataš ana kʷná pasapálwišana cɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘we were going where they were feasting on the new food’;
  4. ana k̓ʷapɨ́n áwa áwtni sɨ́nwit tkʷatatmí ‘that which is the sacred language of the food’;
  5. ku kʷaaná patátwanana túman tkʷátatma ‘and whatever foods followed that one’;
  6. qmɨ́msali tkʷátat ‘scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata)’;
  7. wapaanłanmí tkʷátat ~ wapaanłanmí tkʷátat ‘bearberry honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata)’;
  8. wax̣pušmí tkʷátat ‘native peony (Paeonia brownii)’;
  9. tkʷátatpa ‘in the food’;
  10. tiičampamá tkʷátat ‘vegetables, berries’;
  11. tkʷatatnút ‘without food’.

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[NP hípt /hpt/.]