Walk ahead, take the lead. anam kú tk̓ʷáwat̓uyita kunam čáw mún wáyx̣tita ánč̓a máan ‘when you walk out ahead then you will never run another direction’; anam kú pašapátk̓ʷawat̓uyita ‘when they have you take the lead’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Walk ahead, take the lead. anam kú tk̓ʷáwat̓uyita kunam čáw mún wáyx̣tita ánč̓a máan ‘when you walk out ahead then you will never run another direction’; anam kú pašapátk̓ʷawat̓uyita ‘when they have you take the lead’.