Berry, fruit, things picked, apple. tmaanít ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a yáƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa ‘berries grow in the wetlands’; áw át̓iša tmaanít ‘the berries are getting ripe’; ača kú tmɨ́š iwiyáwat̓wix̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷkni ana tún iwá tmaanít ‘because the chokecherry takes the lead over everything that is the fruit’; tmaanitmí šapaq̓ʷiišktpamá ‘jam’; tmaanitpamá wápas ‘berry bag’; puušmí tmaanít ‘juniper berries’; tmaanít saxisaxinmí ‘snowberries’. [NP /tmaanit/.]