With heart, seed, intentionally. Jacobs 1931:171. See also tm-. tmíˀawi ‘seek with the heart (in shamanic healing)’; tmíq̓inun ‘see with the heart’; tmíšukʷa ‘find out telepathically’; tmítk̓in ‘visualize, imagine’. [NP /tmí-/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
With heart, seed, intentionally. Jacobs 1931:171. See also tm-. tmíˀawi ‘seek with the heart (in shamanic healing)’; tmíq̓inun ‘see with the heart’; tmíšukʷa ‘find out telepathically’; tmítk̓in ‘visualize, imagine’. [NP /tmí-/.]