

Grow, grow up.


  1. nákttawax̣n ‘grow with’;
  2. šapáttawax̣n ’cause to grow, raise’.
  3. kúušnaš ttáwax̣na ín ‘I grew up that way’;
  4. aš kú wačá miyánaš ttáwax̣šana ‘when I was a child growing up’;
  5. kʷnáataš kú ttáwax̣na ƛ̓áax̣ʷ nɨ́ma ‘there then we all grew up’;
  6. apam kú ttáwax̣ta kupam p̓ɨ́x̣ta ‘when you grow up you will remember’;
  7. ana kú ttáwax̣ɨnx̣a čɨ́mti tkʷátat kuna pamáwšuwata káˀuyitay ‘when the new food grows we will get ready for the root feast’;
  8. ku ana kú ittáwax̣šana pɨ́n ‘and when he was growing up’;
  9. aš kú ttáwax̣šana ‘when I was growing up’;
  10. aš kú ín ttáwax̣šana kuš čáw mún wínax̣ana wánptyaw ‘when I was growing up I never would go to the medicine singing’;
  11. ana kʷná ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a yáƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa tkʷátat ‘where food grows in the wetlands’;
  12. k̓ʷáytaš wá naamí tkʷátat ana mɨná ittáwax̣ša ‘that is our food wherever it is growing’;
  13. ana tún kʷná ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a míti k̓ʷáyna wá naamí tkʷátat ‘anything that grows there beneath, that is our food’;

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[NE ttúux̣n; NP /piˀímn/.]