Soup, broth, juice. áw iwá c̓áa twáyx̣t ‘the soup is just right’; twáyx̣t tkʷátat páax̣amt ‘the soup dance’; wiwnunmí twáyx̣t ‘huckleberry juice’. [Y twíix̣t; NP /ˀykt/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Soup, broth, juice. áw iwá c̓áa twáyx̣t ‘the soup is just right’; twáyx̣t tkʷátat páax̣amt ‘the soup dance’; wiwnunmí twáyx̣t ‘huckleberry juice’. [Y twíix̣t; NP /ˀykt/.]