
Beginning, first. úyit itkʷátana ‘he ate first’; ana kú úyit ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a ‘when it first grows’; ana kú úyit iwɨ́šayča ‘when she became first’; ipúyiya úyit wáaˀuyit pɨ́sc̓atpa ‘it first snowed Saturday in the fog’; ana kú iwánpta wánpt úyit ‘when he will sing his first medicine singing’; čikúuktaš k̓í úyit x̣ʷyáyčta ‘today we will sweat first’; núsuxnam pátukta úyit ‘you should set out the salmon first’; itkʷapaničášana úyit Šklúum ‘Shklúum signed (the Treaty) first’; úyitpa ‘at first, in the beginning’; úyit álxayx ‘first moon, January’; wáˀuyit ‘Saturday’; wátxˀuyit ‘the start of a cedar root basket’; wiyáˀuyit ‘going first, preceding’. [NP /ˀúyit/.]