Move inside, move in. iwɨ́šaynača inmíyaw níityaw ‘he moved into my house’; wɨšáynačɨnx̣aataš káˀuyitpa ‘we move in for the root feast’; pawɨ́šaynatša šapáwaakmuyktpa ‘they are moving in for the rodeo’. [NE wɨšáynak; NP /wseynék/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Move inside, move in. iwɨ́šaynača inmíyaw níityaw ‘he moved into my house’; wɨšáynačɨnx̣aataš káˀuyitpa ‘we move in for the root feast’; pawɨ́šaynatša šapáwaakmuyktpa ‘they are moving in for the rodeo’. [NE wɨšáynak; NP /wseynék/.]