Move camp. pawšiyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná iwačá waníči Qimšáat ‘they used to move (to) where she was called Qimsháat‘; pawšyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná ánč̓ax̣i pax̣níx̣ana x̣áwšna ‘they would move (to) where they would dig cous again’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Move camp. pawšiyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná iwačá waníči Qimšáat ‘they used to move (to) where she was called Qimsháat‘; pawšyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná ánč̓ax̣i pax̣níx̣ana x̣áwšna ‘they would move (to) where they would dig cous again’.