
Wrestle. ínaš áwx̣awita ‘I will wrestle him’; pɨ́nɨmnaš iwx̣áwita ‘he is wrestling me’; áwx̣awišaaš ‘I am wrestling him’; páwx̣awiya Spilyáyin sc̓átna ku aw kú tiičám iwɨ́šayča ‘Coyote wrestled the dark and then the land came to be’; nápiintaš pápawx̣awita ‘we will wrestle one another’; pápawx̣awiša ‘they are wrestling one another’; pawx̣áwit ‘wrestling match’. [NE puux̣áwi; NP /wtínewi/ (from /wtí-/ ‘while otherwise occupied’ plus /hínewi/ ‘try, test’); /wtílen/, /wtil´knik/.]