Song. ku iwalptáyka walptáykaš pɨnmíin ‘and she sang her song’; páwɨnpša walptáykašna ‘it picks up the songs’ (said of the tape recorder); kupam wát̓uyčni áničta čaaná walptáykašna imaamipáyn tɨmnápa ‘and you should put these songs ahead in your hearts’; kʷnátaš walptáykɨnx̣a áwtni walptáykaš ana k̓ʷapɨ́n áwa x̣nitmaamí ‘there we sing the sacred song which belongs to the roots’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iníya náaman hawláakni walptáykaš ‘those songs which he gave us from heaven’; itamłamaywíya walptáykašna ‘he didn’t know the song’; ánaknuwitanam walptáykašna ‘you will take care of the songs’; itámsɨnwisa walptáykašpa ‘he is singing the words in the song’; támsɨnwiyi walptáykaš ‘song with words’. [NP /waˀnptáynt/; /weˀnpt/.]