
Bag (flat, in contrast to anáy), digging bag, bag with a handle, side basket. ku kʷɨ́nkix̣i taxʷɨ́ski paˀaníx̣ana wápas, ana tún wápas paˀaníx̣ana ‘and with that same dogbane they would make the bag, whatever bag they would make’; wápasay iwá taxʷɨ́s ‘the dogbane is for bags’; kanútknaš wá wápas ‘my bag is unfinished’; káakɨm iwá wápas ‘the bag is full’; káakɨmpam kúta wápas ‘you should fill up your bag’; apam ƛ̓áax̣ʷ x̣níša wápasi ‘you all who are digging with bags’; tmaanitpamá wápas ‘berry bag’; x̣nitpamá wápas ‘digging bag, root bag’; k̓ptłimá wápas ‘beaded bag’; timašpamá wápas sáptay ‘school back pack’; wápas sáptay ‘backpack’. [NP /ˀimáˀsp̓alq/.]