
Hit, strike, whip, spank, discipline. áw iwámš k̓ípam kú iwawyáta ‘he’s coming now, he’s going to whip you folks’; iwáwyataaš ‘he will whip me’; kutaš pawáwyax̣ana ‘and they used to whip us’; čáwtaš mún iwáwyana isámx̣nax̣anaataš ‘he never whipped us, he used to talk to us’; páwawyana pɨnmipáyn k̓úpašpa ‘he whipped him on his back’; páwawyanayiya paanáy k̓úpaš ‘he whipped his back’; šapáwawya ’cause to whip’; wáwyani ‘whipped’; pawawyałá ‘whipman’. [NP /wáwyan/.]