Chinook, blow a warm wind which causes thawing, melt (snow), thaw, melt off. iwináwayša ‘it is chinooking’; iwináwayša púuy ‘the snow is melting’; ku iwináwayna ‘and it melted’; wináwayni ‘melted’. [N cc̓uˀúp; NE also mámni; lúula; NP / lamlin/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Chinook, blow a warm wind which causes thawing, melt (snow), thaw, melt off. iwináwayša ‘it is chinooking’; iwináwayša púuy ‘the snow is melting’; ku iwináwayna ‘and it melted’; wináwayni ‘melted’. [N cc̓uˀúp; NE also mámni; lúula; NP / lamlin/.]