



  1. wínš iwiyánawi ‘a man has arrived’;
  2. ku wínšin pániya nápt wáptas ‘and the man gave her two feathers’;
  3. áx̣twayakaaš wínšna ‘I spent time with the man’;
  4. ˀɨnna wínšin ‘the man told him’;
  5. iq̓ínuša wínšin ‘the man sees me’;
  6. páx̣naw pawá awínšma ‘there are five men’;
  7. awínšin pawačá ‘there are two men’;
  8. wínšin pawačá ‘she was with her man’;
  9. wínš púła ‘flowering stage of púła (Lomatium macrocarpum)’;
  10. ɨ́x̣ winšpamá ‘western giant hyssop, Agastache occidentalis (šúx̣a)’;
  11. wiyáwinš ‘man in a group of women’.

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[N ɨwínš; NP /háma/; /haham/ ‘men’.]