
Huckleberry, Vaccinium membranaceum. The roots were used as a medicine for diabetes, bitterroots and huckleberries are good for diabetes. itamánwiyayiyana pyax̣í, x̣áwš, lúkš, tmɨ́š, wíwnu ku núsux ku yáamaš ‘he ordained the bitterroot, cous, biscuit root, chokecherries, huckleberries and salmon and deer for us’; ana pɨ́n iwá waníči wíwnu ‘she who is named huckleberry’; patáax̣alux̣ana calutimat̓áwas c̓íc̓kki wíwnuki psuníki ‘they would dye their cornhusk bags with grass (for green), with huckleberry (for purple), with alder (for yellow)’; áw át̓i wíwnu ‘the huckleberries have ripened now’; tmaaníšaaš wíwnu ‘I’m picking huckleberries’; awtaš kú tmaanítata wíwnu ‘then we will go pick huckleberries’; ku ana mún át̓ix̣a šnɨ́m ku kúuk át̓ita wíwnu ‘and when the thornberry ripens then the huckleberry ripens’; luc̓áluc̓a wíwnu ‘red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium)’; wiwnunmí útpas ‘fern’. [K át̓it (Jacobs 1931:197); NP /cemitk/.]