
Go first, go out first, precede. latítlatit iwiyáˀuyix̣a ača kú iwá pát ƛ̓aax̣ʷmí x̣nitmí ku páwapawax̣a pɨnmikíin tiičámna latítki ‘the celery goes out first because she is the elder sister of all the roots and dresses the earth with her flowers’; iwiyáˀuyix̣a pyax̣í ku íkʷɨ́n x̣áwš ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a ku lúukš ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a ana kú x̣áwš ‘the bitterroot comes first and after that cous grows and biscuit root grows when the cous (grows)’; iwiyáˀuyix̣a pyax̣í ‘the bitterroot comes first’; áwiyaˀuyiya pšɨ́t ‘his father went first’. [NP /wyéˀuyi/.]