Leader of a group, elder within a family. iwá wiyánč̓i sulčasmaamí ‘he is the officer of the army’; ku kúuk páˀɨnna kʷiiní wiyánč̓iin ‘and then that officer told them’. [NP wiyáataq̓ismiyoox̣at /wyátaq̓ismyoox̣at(o)/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Leader of a group, elder within a family. iwá wiyánč̓i sulčasmaamí ‘he is the officer of the army’; ku kúuk páˀɨnna kʷiiní wiyánč̓iin ‘and then that officer told them’. [NP wiyáataq̓ismiyoox̣at /wyátaq̓ismyoox̣at(o)/.]