
Far. áx̣ʷaynam wá wíyat ‘you are still far’; ača kú iwačá wíyat náktux̣t čáan ‘because it was a long way to bring back here’; ku kʷɨ́nki tanánma pawšánana maykwíyat ‘and because of that the people moved further away’; čáw wíyat ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pawá káatnam ‘almost all are tall’; sɨ́kni iwá čáw wíyat kúušx̣i kíilawitpa ana kúuš sawítk ‘yellow bell is almost the same in taste as the Indian carrot’; wíyatkan ‘far away’; wiyatníin ‘too far’; pawíyat ‘far apart’; wíyat tiičám ‘far country’; wíyat wát̓uy ‘far ahead’; čáw wíyat ‘almost’; wíyat̓iš ‘for a long time’. [NP /wy̓at/.]