Noon, twelve o’clock. áw iwá wiyátk̓ukt ‘it is noon now’; áw inkníša c̓áa wiyátk̓ʷktyaw ‘it is getting close to noon’; watx̣ɨ́n pawiyánawita wiyátk̓uktpa ‘will they arrive at noon?’; wiyátk̓uktnaq̓it ‘afternoon’. [NP p̓éqin /p̓´qn-t/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Noon, twelve o’clock. áw iwá wiyátk̓ukt ‘it is noon now’; áw inkníša c̓áa wiyátk̓ʷktyaw ‘it is getting close to noon’; watx̣ɨ́n pawiyánawita wiyátk̓uktpa ‘will they arrive at noon?’; wiyátk̓uktnaq̓it ‘afternoon’. [NP p̓éqin /p̓´qn-t/.]