Up, above, high, up high. x̣ʷáami iwá ‘it is above’; pawáta kʷná x̣ʷáami mɨná ‘they will be somewhere high up’; x̣ʷáami kʷná pawá sɨlksɨlkyáy ku X̣ʷaamayáy ‘Cricket and Eagle were there above’; ana tún áwa paamíin x̣ʷáamični ‘whatever they have up above’; x̣ʷáamina x̣níx̣ana x̣áwš ‘we would dig cous high above’; x̣ʷáamičan iwáynana x̣ʷaamá ‘the eagle flew upward’; čáwnam šína qaˀáat tún kúša ačanam kú pɨ́nɨm iq̓ínušamš x̣ʷáamični ‘you are not doing anything to anyone in secret when he sees you from on high’; x̣ʷáamični áničɨnk ‘put it up there!’; x̣ʷáami tiičám ‘high ground’; maykx̣ʷáami ‘higher’; x̣ʷáamičan ‘upward’; x̣ʷáamični ‘from above, above’; x̣ʷáamitx̣aw ‘clear up on the top, all the way up’. [NE also x̣ʷayám; NW x̣ʷíimi; NP /tús(ti)/.]