
Dig, dig a hole. ku aw kú ix̣nɨ́mna ‘and then he dug a hole’; ix̣nɨ́mna tqúni šíki ‘the badger dug a hole’; pax̣nɨ́mɨnx̣ana tiičámna ‘they would dig the ground’; čáw x̣nɨ́mɨnk łíitk ‘don’t pick your nose!’; ku k̓ʷapɨ́n šuyápuwin páx̣nɨmša ‘and the aforementioned the whiteman is digging up’; ana kʷná aw kú k̓ʷapɨ́n áwa x̣nɨ́mni atámki ‘there then where their large storage cache is dug’; x̣nɨmt̓áwas ‘shovel’. [NP /pˀla/.]