wápas ‘bag (flat, in contrast to anáy), digging bag, bag with a handle, side basket’; anáy ‘digging bag’; x̣nitpamá wápas ‘digging bag’; tmaanitpamá wápas ‘berry bag’; ánpš ‘large storage bag, large basket for berry picking’; psataat̓áwas ‘large woven bag’; x̣ɨ́pa ‘large storage bag for roots (made of cornhusk, same as psatat̓áwas)’; calutimat̓awasmí wápas ‘cornhusk bag’; k̓pɨtłimá wápas ‘beaded bag’; x̣ax̣áani ‘rawhide case for war bonnet tied to the front of a horse, quiver thrown over the back of a horse, cylindrical bag for horse’; sápk̓ukt ‘carrying bag, woman’s handbag, purse’; wáwx̣pas ‘big cornhusk bag, large root bag’; puuxpáwas ‘long paint bag’; šapɨnčašpamá ‘paint bag’; tawáx̣pas ‘pipebag, tobacco pouch’; wɨx̣íčt ‘base of a bag’.