
ttx̣šmí ‘willow basket’; wiwnupamá ttɨx̣šmí ‘berry basket’; x̣láam ‘berry basket’; c̓apxmí ‘hard berry basket, Klickitat basket’; c̓apx̣mí tkʷsáy ‘cedar root basket’; šapášapi ttɨx̣šmí ‘berry baskets slung over both sides of a horse’; wáx̣ʷɨntaš ‘Klickitat hard basket made from cedar or spruce roots’; tamáwaalatat̓as ‘big basket, five to twenty gallon’; t̓át̓aš ‘soft basket’; lɨ́p̓uy ‘cedar bark basket, storage basket for berries, salmon’; ánpš ‘large basket for berry picking or large bag for roots’; p̓náa ‘fish basket trap’; kalúlak̓it ‘weaving end, top of the basket, loops’; c̓apx̣mí kalúlak̓it ‘cedar basket loops’.