1,422 term are adjectives


Disappeared. pásc̓at áawat ikú ‘the fog has disappeared’; áawat ikʷíya ‘it disappeared’; áawat iwɨ́šayča x̣ʷaamá ‘the eagle disappeared’. See also awɨ́t.


Common, ordinary; cf. áčna ‘merely, just, for fun’ (Jacobs 1931:268). čáw iwačá Spilyáy áčna ‘Coyote wasn’t a commoner’. [NP /wiclém/.]


All of two, all. namanák ‘both of us’; napuwák ‘both people’; x̣lák ‘many, much’. See also -ík.


Generous. ɨmɨnɨwáy iwá k̓ʷáy ku áł ‘that one is is kind and generous’; čáw áł ‘not generous’; ałwí ‘be generous’. [Y ƛ̓íiš; ƛ̓iˀíiš; NP /ˀiqn/.]


Privative. Deverbative. ača čikúuk iwá at̓úk yáx̣t kútkut sapsik̓ʷanáł ‘because today it is hard to get work without an eductation’; čak̓ʷlkáł ‘unchewed’; čuunáł ‘without drinking’; iix̣áł ‘unclean’; lak̓ɨmiyáł ‘everlasting’; panaymunáł ‘cold, aloof’; payknáł ‘disobedient’; sɨnwiyáł ‘without speaking’; šuwináł ‘not learning from hard lessons’; tkʷatanáł ‘without eating, fasting’; twanpáł ‘uncombed’; wanáł ‘invisible’. [NP /-ey̓éy̓/.]


Naked. Also pronounced ɨmnɨ́mk. [WS & Y awnámk; NP /q̓ʷcq̓ʷ´c/.]


Rowdy, showing off. See ɨ́mttun.


Cute, lovable. See ɨmúˀmu.


Hungered, hungry. anáwiyinaš wá ‘I’m hungry’.


Good. Distributive. Also pronounced aníx̣anix̣. See also níix̣. ku ƛ̓áaax̣ʷ patápax̣ʷiya k̓ʷapɨ́n aníx̣ˀanix̣ tún ‘and they stole all their aforementioned good things’. [NE šiˀíx̣šiˀix̣; NW šiyíx̣šiyix̣ (Jacobs 1937:8.4.2, pg. 14); NP titáˀc /ttaˀc/.]


Made, man made, manufactured, hand-made. k̓ʷáy áwa pɨnmíin aniłanmí aníyi tkʷátat ‘that is the made food of the Creator’; ača kú áwa pɨnmíin qɨwíił aníyi wínat ‘because his pathway is made open’; ku áwača wátisas aníyi p̓ip̓inmí ‘and his rope was made of intestine’; áwata aníyi wilawiix̣tpamá ‘their race track will be made’; ilukasmí aníyi ‘made of wood, carved’; šáx̣aapški aníyi wápyaš ‘fishing scaffold made with lumber’; k̓úulk aníyi ttɨx̣šmí ‘bowl made of willow’; watám aníyi ‘man made lake’; aníyi pšwá ‘stone artifact’; aníyi tamicáwas ‘man made cemetery’. [NE aniyí; NP hanyíin /hani-iˀins/.]


Pertaining to the hand. apappamá k̓ʷalálk̓ʷalal ‘hand bell’.


By tens. náaptit ‘twenty’; mɨtáaptit ‘thirty’; pináaptit ‘forty’; pax̣áaptit ‘fifty’; uylsxáaptit ‘sixty’; uynáaptit ‘seventy’; uymɨtáaptit ‘eighty’; k̓uysáaptit ‘ninety’; putáaptit ‘hundred’. [NP /-eˀéptit/.]


Stingy. Cf. NW apšɨ́x̣ ‘tick’ (the parasite). [NP ˀípsex̣ /ˀpsq/.]


Extra big. atáanč̓i iwá núsux ‘it’s an extra big salmon’; patkʷátana atáanč̓i núsux ‘they ate their extra big salmon’.


Very good. ataaníix̣ k̓ʷáy iwá tílaaki ‘that woman is very pretty’.



Valuable, important, treasured, desirable, lovely.


ana tún iwačá míimi átaw qqaanáyt ‘whatever was the important work long ago’;

ana tún áwa átaw paamíin tamicáwaspa ‘anything precious that they have in the cemetery’;

amaš kúušx̣i wáta imíin tún kumaš wáta átaw ‘in the same way that you have something and it is valuable to you’;

átawnaš wá tanwáytt ‘my valuables are important’;

k̓ʷáyna wá naamí átaw tkʷátat ‘that is our valuable food’;

ku míimi áwača níči patún atawˀátaw ‘and their important things were already put away’;

wášnam átaw ‘you are special’.

See more:

[NP /hetéˀew/.]


Valued, admired, honored, beloved. inmíma átawiima ‘my friends’. [NE atawiyí; NP /hétewiˀins/.]


Deceased, late. Used respectfully with the name of a deceased person. áwawtšaaš atway-Johnna ‘I am mourning John’. See also símsa. [NP /cáˀyaw/; cf. NP /ˀátway/ ‘old woman’.]


Worried, sad. [NP /ˀétx̣ewniˀns/.]