1,422 term are adjectives


Shocking, amazing, surprising. áana cɨcwáyn iwá ‘oh, it’s amazing’. [NP cicwáayn /ccwáynt/.]


Near, close. c̓áa iwá ‘it’s close’; ana tún iwá čáw c̓áa kunam kʷáan níčta ‘anything that is not near you will put away’; áwa c̓áa náymu waničtmí ‘the name has a close relative’; c̓áapa pawámš tanánma ‘the people are coming close’; patútiša pac̓áa ‘they are standing close together’; c̓áanam wá tkʷátatyaw ‘you’re just in time to eat’; čáwnam c̓áa yúuk kʷná tkʷátata ‘you shouldn’t eat near there yonder’; c̓áax̣i áw iwá ‘it’s close enough’; c̓áa náymu ‘close relative’; c̓áak̓a ‘next’. [NE qɨ́nt; NP /q̓t´t/; also NP kíimtem̓ ‘near’ (in space), kíimtemcimk̓ey̓ ‘near’ (in time); cf. NP /c̓áˀn/ ‘fit, be right’.]


Near, very close. ku k̓ʷáy paˀanítat̓aša ánč̓ax̣i níit c̓áac̓aa ‘and again they are wanting to build houses close by’; ku páyš šuyápuma pawiyánawita ku patáwyanaykta c̓áac̓aa tímaniyaw tiičámyaw ‘and maybe the whites will arrive and settle near the reservation (marked land)’; kuƛ̓áax̣ʷ ikáƛ̓x̣ʷšana c̓íc̓k kʷná c̓áac̓aa ‘and he was devouring all the grass there nearby’; C̓smalpálma k̓ʷáy pawá c̓áac̓aa ‘the C̓smalpáls are nearby’; c̓áac̓aa náymu ‘very close relative’.


Sweet; sugar. ilimúk iwá c̓í ‘blueberries are sweet’; c̓í iwá núkšitpa saxísaxi ‘syringa is sweet smelling’; íc̓ik ‘sweeten’; ílac̓ik ‘dry huckleberries over fire’; támc̓i ‘sweeten, spice’; c̓iłimá ‘cake, dessert’. [NP cicyúk̓is /cicyk̓ʷis/; S word is from Jargon.]


Inexpensive, cheap, fragile, easy. čáw tún iwá c̓iˀíix̣ ‘nothing is inexpensive’; c̓iˀíix̣ iwá anít ‘it’s easy to make’; čuutpamá tkʷsáy iwá c̓iˀíix̣ ‘a water glass is fragile’. [NE c̓íix̣; NP /ˀélew̓ic/ ‘cheap, easy’; /c̓kc̓´k/ ‘fragile, easy to split’.]


Round, circular, circle, sphere. c̓íil iwačá áwšnitš ‘the mat was round’; c̓íil iwá álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; k̓usinmí aníyi c̓íil ‘horsehair head rosette’; šɨšaašmí aníyi c̓íil ‘porcupine head rosette’; c̓íil álxayx ‘full moon’; k̓piititpamá c̓íil ‘basketball hoop’. [N c̓íilɨl; NP /cilpcílp/ ‘circle’; cf. NP /c̓íln/ ‘be bent, coiled’; /c̓ílil/ ‘curl up’.]




Proud, arrogant, too good for. c̓ɨlc̓ɨ́l iwá tkʷátat tananmaamí ‘he is too good to eat Indian food’. See also cɨ́ˀli. [NP /c´l̓ii/.]


Very sharp. pšwá c̓ɨ́m ‘a sharp stone’; sapác̓ɨmk ‘sharpen’; tamác̓ɨmk ‘throw a sharp object’; wapác̓ɨmk ‘touch a sharp object’. See č̓ɨ́m. [NP /x̣´w̓ic/; cf. also NP /k̓´wn/ ‘break, cut, sever’.]


Cracked, broken off. c̓ɨ́mt ikú šáx̣aapš ‘the board has cracked, broken off’.


Easy to bend.


Warm. c̓múy iwá ámčni ‘it’s warm outside’; c̓múynaš wá ‘I am warm’; c̓múy iwá łk̓ʷí ‘it is a warm day’; mayc̓múy iwáta ‘it will get warmer’; k̓ína kú c̓múy láwaalawayčta c̓múy nč̓útay ‘soon then our warmth will cross over for sleeping’. [WS c̓mí; NP /luˀuq̓ic/.]


Released, popped off. c̓ɨ́ps iwáyna ‘it has come loose’. [Cf. NP k̓apác /k̓p´c/ ‘loosen, release, settle (of food in stomach)’ (Aoki 1994:277).]


Straight, stiff, erect. c̓wáy iwá wɨslak̓ʷskí ‘the arrow is straight’; kʷáy wínak c̓wáy ‘go straight there’. See also ƛ̓wáy; tk̓ʷíikʷ. [NP /c̓wéyc̓wey/.]


Flirtatious, coy. čaˀáš iwá ‘she is a flirt’.


Uncovered, open so the air can get in. čaˀáw k̓ʷáy iwá ‘that is open’.


Bad, ugly. čáˀay iwá ‘it is bad’.


Very sharp. See č̓ɨ́m.


Bundled up for giving away, a big bundle.


Dyed, marked. [NP /t´lewtim̓eniˀns/; /tím̓eniˀns/.]