-yáya; -ya; -yáy; -áy; -íya. These suffixes derive names of legendary characters from their everyday counterparts.
4,794 terms are nouns
láatlat ‘sweating, sweat’.
-pamá ‘pertaining to’ (denominative).
pnáy ~ tuttpamá.
k̓úłi ‘master; pet’.
twakʷstɨ́mit ‘markings left along the trail’.
Chokecherry, Prunus virginiana. “Called this because it has a seed (tmɨ́š) in it.” Chokecherry bark was cut in little strips and boiled and drank as a tea as a medicine for colds. tmɨ́š ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a wánapa ‘chokecherry grows around the creeks’; tmɨ́š iwá pát ƛ̓aax̣ʷmaamí tkʷatatmaamí ‘the chokecherry is the elder sister of all the foods’; iwiyáwat̓wiša tmɨ́š ‘the chokecherry is taking the lead’; pátwanɨmta ɨsípin tmɨ́šin ‘her younger sister the chokecherry will come following her [the lúuksh]’; itamánwiyayiyana pyax̣í, x̣áwš, lúukš, tmɨ́š, wíwnu ku núsux ku yáamaš ‘he ordained the bitterroot, cous, biscuit root, chokecherries, huckleberries and salmon and deer for us’; ana kú át̓iša tmɨ́š ku kúuk pawalptáykɨnx̣a táalma ‘when the chokecherries are ripening then the little black cricket sings’; ana kú át̓ix̣a tmɨ́š ‘when the chokecherry ripens’; tmɨšmí psá ‘chokecherry bark’ (a cough medicine); tmɨšmí ‘cake made with chokecherries’; tmɨšwáakuł ‘domestic cherry’. [NP /tms/.]
Respect. Also tmáyt.
Berry picker, fruit picker. [NP /tmaaniyaw̓at(o)/.]
Berry, fruit, things picked, apple. tmaanít ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a yáƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa ‘berries grow in the wetlands’; áw át̓iša tmaanít ‘the berries are getting ripe’; ača kú tmɨ́š iwiyáwat̓wix̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷkni ana tún iwá tmaanít ‘because the chokecherry takes the lead over everything that is the fruit’; tmaanitmí šapaq̓ʷiišktpamá ‘jam’; tmaanitpamá wápas ‘berry bag’; puušmí tmaanít ‘juniper berries’; tmaanít saxisaxinmí ‘snowberries’. [NP /tmaanit/.]
Chokecherry tree, Prunus virginiana. Also tmáašu.
Chokecherry tree, Prunus virginiana. [NE tmɨ́ššway; WS & NW tmɨ́šaaš; NP timscáway /tmscway/.]
Maiden, young unmarried woman. ku aw kú pináwšuwana tmáy ‘and then the young woman got herself ready’; ku páˀɨnna tmáyna ‘and he said to the young woman’; pawiyánawiya ttmáyin ‘two maidens arrived’; pawiyánawiya tílaaki tmáyin ‘the woman arrived with the girl’; páq̓inuna tmáyin ‘the maiden saw him’; ttmáyma ‘young unmarried women’; ttmáyin ‘two young unmarried women’; tmáyn ‘respect, show respect’; tmaˀáy ‘quiet, modest’. [NE plural ttmayíma; NP /tm̓áy̓/, /tm̓áyi-/.]
Respect, honor. [NW tmáakt.]
Judge. kutyanam wínata naamíyaw tmiyułanmíyaw ‘and rather you should go to our judge’; ínsɨmnaš átq̓ix̣ša níix̣ tmiyułáan ‘I only want the good judge’. [NP /tmmiyunew̓et(u)/.]
Planning, deciding, plan, decision, suggestion. ku ác̓aata páx̣ałk̓ʷipa k̓ʷapɨ́n pɨnmíin tmíyut ‘and his aforementioned decision will draw near on Friday’. [NP timmíyu /tmmíyunt/.]
Respect. Ablaut: tmáakt ‘respect’.
Heart, seed. The heart is the seat of the will. kʷɨ́nkišta kú ákʷyamša inmína aniłáan ƛ̓áax̣ʷki inmíki tɨmnáki ‘because of that then I believe my Creator with all my heart’; aƛ̓áwišamaš ƛ̓áax̣ʷki inmíki tɨmnáki ‘I am asking you with all my heart’; kunam níix̣ tɨmná paˀaníyayita anam kú áykta walptáykasna ‘and they will make you a good heart when you hear the songs’; ilalíwaša čí tɨmnáki ‘this one is lonesome for his sweetheart’; níix̣ki tɨmnáki ‘with a good heart, with good intentions’; ayáyat p̓ɨ́x̣t inmipáyn tɨmnápa ‘beautiful memories in my heart’; tɨmnátɨmna ‘seeds, little seeds’; nɨnɨknɨnɨkmí tɨmná ‘columbine seeds’; tɨmnanč̓íwi ‘tough it out’. [Y also ɨnáš ‘seed’; NP /tm̓ne/.]
Narrative, story, story telling, recollection. itɨmnanáx̣na tɨmnanáx̣tna ‘he told a story about story telling’; lɨwít iwá tɨmnanáx̣t ‘the story is true’. [NP /ttwatit/.]
Tolerance, endurance.