4,792 terms are nouns


Canada goose, Branta canadensis. papyútšamš ákakma ‘the geese are coming up out of the water’; wɨsalíltašaaš ákakyaw ‘I am going to go hunting for goose’. [K k̓lak̓láma ‘geese’ (Jacobs 1937:30.9.3, pg. 69); NP /hewtet/ ‘goose’ (Aoki 1994:123); /yay̓ak/ ‘white swan, Canadian goose’ (Aoki 1994:942).]


Eyeball. inmí káła íkiikɨnx̣ana akáł tawtnúkki maysxmáysx ‘my grandmother used to cleanse her eyeballs with medicine every night’. [WS ák̓ał.]


The pupil of the eye, as found in the eyes of a boiled salmon. [NP cilímcamokin /cl´m-cmokn/.]


Kidney. Also pronounced ak̓páyˀak̓pay. [Y sáylps; NP /qoplac/; cf. S áq̓paš ‘stomach’.]


Blood vessel, vein, artery. [NP /ppy/.]


Paternal grandmother; woman’s son’s child. ála ‘grandmother! grandchild!’; naˀálas ‘my grandmother’; ínˀala ‘my grandchild’; ál ‘your grandmother’; ímˀala ‘your grandchild’; ála ‘(his/her) grandmother; her son’s child’; áwna wínaša alamíyaw ‘we’re going to grandmother’s (house)’; álayin pawínašana ‘he went with his grandmother’; iq̓ínušanaaš naˀálasanɨm ‘my grandmother saw me’; ínˀalayintaš wínašana ‘I was going with my grandchild’; kuš áykɨnx̣ana naˀálasmaaman ‘and I used to hear my grandmother’s people’. [NP /ˀéle/.]


Nettles, Urtica dioica; Devil’s club, Oplopanax horridum; poison oak, Toxicodendron diversiloba. anam kú áwɨnpta alaˀálaan kunam ččúkta ‘when you touch nettles you itch all over’. See also łamtq̓áx̣. [NW aláala; NP /wet̓etwet̓et/ ‘Urtica lyalli‘ (Aoki 1994:861); cf. NP /ˀalaˀala/ ‘grouseberry, Vaccinium scoparium‘ (Aoki 1994:964); NP /ˀala/ ‘fire’.]


Place furthest from the door of a tepee or lodge. patkʷátax̣ana kʷnáaláašupa ku paˀílukɨnx̣ana papáčupa ‘they used to eat in the back of the lodge and build the fire in the middle’; aláašupa ‘in the back of the lodge’. [NP /ˀalaso/.]


Turtle, painted turtle, Chrysemys picta. [NP /ˀacik/; cf. Salish, e.g., Upper Chehalis ˀalašík; Moses Columbian ˀarasíkʷ (Kinkade 1991:3).]


Generic bunch grass. See also waskú. [NP /pqs/.]


Water-hemlock, Cicuta douglasii. Poisonous.


Western screech owl, Otus kennicottii (?); northern pygmy owl, Glaucidium gnoma (?); northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus (?). See also úus. Hunn 1990:323 [NP /sax̣lat´mo/ (also palx̣óockin̓ /plx̣óckiˀns/) ‘screech owl, Otus asio‘; cf. also NP /wiq̓étwiq̓et/ ‘prairie owl’ (?); NP /k̓pk̓pno/ ‘barn owl, screech owl’ (?).]


Death camas, Zigadenus spp. (e.g., Z. venenosus and perhaps Z. paniculatus, perhaps also Z. glaucus and Z. elegans); usually grows in drier areas than camas. kaƛ̓iyawit̓áwas iwá alapíšaš ‘death camas is a poison’.


Low place, toward water, bottom of valley, shore, beach. miyánašma pawinanúuša aláypa ‘children are swimming at the shore’; aláy iwá čúuš ‘the water is lower’; aw kú čná aláy ƛ̓áax̣ʷ táatpas patáyax̣nayiya ‘then here ashore they found all his clothing’; iwátax̣na aláy tiičám aš kʷná ín táwyaša ‘it would be a low place where I am living’; áwna wínaša aláykan ‘we are going toward shore’; aláypa čúušpa ‘down by the water’. Opposite of áx̣mi. [NW álayt (Jacobs 1937:31.28.3, pg. 76); NP /ˀalláy/.]


Frenchman, halfbreed. aláymama ‘Frenchmen, halfbreeds’. [NP /ˀalláyma/.]


A plant that looks like a saxifrage. See also anipáš.


Alfalfa, Medicago sativa. [NP /ˀalpaˀálpa/.]


Big-head clover, Trifolium macrocephalum. [NP /ˀalpaˀálpa/.]


Frog, Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla; the “frog” on a horse’s leg. paˀínɨmɨnx̣a aluq̓átma ‘the frogs croak’; aluq̓atmí útpas ‘green fresh water algae’. [NP wex̣wéqt /wqwqt/; cf. /ˀálok̓at/ ‘young male mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis‘.]


Tollgate, Oregon. alúwax̣tat iwá x̣ʷáami pɨ́t̓x̣anupa ku kʷná iwá ataymat̓áwas ku tkʷatatáwas ɨščɨtpáyn ‘Tollgate is high in the mountains and there is a store and restaurant there along the road’.