tkʷápaničaša ‘thumbprint, signature; will’.
4,794 terms are nouns
Generic fish, small salmon, minnows. ku kʷná patáwapawx̣inx̣a kʷáaman xúlxulmaaman ‘and there they release those fish’; asúxna patášapawawp̓kɨnx̣a ku kʷná patánaknuwix̣a kkɨ́smaaman xúlxulmaaman ‘they make the salmon eggs hatch and they keep the little fish there’; luc̓anmí xúlxul ‘goldfish’. [NW tkʷalá; NP /cuy̓em/.]
Homly cemetery, a cemetery on the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
Ravine. Diminutive ablaut of x̣ɨwúš.
q̓ɨšpalí ‘buzzard, turkey vulture, Cathartes aura‘.
Next door, the next room. x̣áˀappa iwá ‘he is in the next room’; x̣áˀappa iwačá xʷɨ́saat ‘the old man was in the next room’; x̣aˀapx̣áˀappa pawá ƛ̓áax̣ʷma ‘they’re all in the next room’; tk̓ʷáx̣aap ‘walk between, walk into the next room’; wiyáx̣aap ‘go into the next room’. See also x̣áap. [NE x̣aˀáp; NP /nx̣súut/.]
Greed. [NP /x̣´x̣eswit/.]
Wolf, Canis lupus. skáw tkʷaynpłá iwá x̣áliš ‘the wolf is a fierce hunter’; spilyaynmí áwa pyáp x̣áliš ‘Coyote’s older brother is the wolf’; x̣ališmí latít ‘a yellow mountain flower with black stripes, probably dogtooth fawn lily (Erythronium grandiflorum)’ (Thomas Morning Owl). [NP hímiin /h´miins/; cf. NP /x̣enísx̣enis/ ‘rough, wild’.]
Crankyness in children when the mother is pregnant with another child, aberrant behavior around a pregnant woman (as when children act up to get attention). [NE x̣antátwit; NP /qetétwit/; cf. NP is /qetet/ ‘elk yearling’.]
Knife. isapác̓ɨmka x̣apiłmí ‘he sharpened his knife’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷnam k̓ʷapɨ́n wapáwx̣ita kúušx̣i twínpaš ku kúušx̣i x̣apiłmí ‘you should get rid of all the aforementioned such as your rifle and knife’; kunam kʷaaná ánita k̓ʷapɨ́n twínpaš ku x̣apiłmí ‘and you will give the aforementioned rifle and knife to that one’; č̓ɨ́m x̣apiłmí ‘sharp knife’; pkʷáaš x̣apiłmí ‘dull knife’. [NP /wlc/.]
Duck, generic duck, mallard, Anas platyrhynchos. [NP /qetqet/.]
Desert parsley, cous, Lomatium cous. x̣áwš ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a čná ‘cous grows here’; ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a pyax̣í ku íkʷɨn x̣áwš ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a ‘the bitterroot grows and to that the cous grows’; ix̣níša x̣áwšna ‘she is digging cous’; pax̣níx̣ana x̣áwsna ‘they used to dig cous’; pátwanɨmta ɨsípin x̣áwšin ‘her younger sister the cous will come following her [the celery]’; itamánwiyayiyana pyax̣í x̣áwš lúkš tmɨ́š wíwnu ku núsux ku yáamaš ‘he ordained the bitterroot, cous, biscuit root, chokecherries, huckleberries and salmon and deer for us’; kutaš kʷná ášapax̣nišana x̣áwš ‘and there we had them digging cous’. [NP /qaws/ (peeled and dried), /qámsit/ (fresh).]
Place near Ukiah, Oregon. iwá nč̓í táy X̣awšátašpa nisáwtas iwá čikúuk ‘there is a big meadow at X̣awšátaš—it’s an abandoned campsite today’.
Maternal aunt. Vocative. x̣áx̣a ‘aunt!’; naxáxas ‘my aunt’; ɨx̣áx̣ ‘your aunt’; pax̣áx̣ ‘(his/her) aunt’; ku naˀíłas ku naxáxas paˀílax̣yawix̣ana k̓súyas ‘and my mother and aunt used to dry eels’; kúušnaš ɨ́nx̣ana naxáxasanɨm ‘thusly my aunt used to tell me’; míš pawšáčiča áw kákaama x̣áx̣aama ‘have uncles, aunts moved on now?’. [NE x̣áx̣aˀ; NP /qéqeˀ/ ‘aunt!’; /neˀqéq/ ‘my aunt’; /ˀm̓qéq/ ‘your aunt’; /peqeq/ ‘(his/her) aunt’.]
Rawhide case for war bonnet tied to the front of a horse, quiver thrown over the back of a horse, cylindrical bag for horse. [NP /x̣ax̣ániˀ/ ‘bag made of cowhide tied to the front of a horse’ (Aoki 1994:919).]
Money, dollar; golden buprestid beetle (Buprestis aurulenta). paníyaaš x̣ax̣áykʷ ína ‘they gave me the money’; pinániyaaš x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘I gave myself the money’; kkáwšaaš x̣ax̣áykʷki ‘I feel bad about the money’; itwac̓ɨxíwišana x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘he was being stingy with his money’; náx̣š x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘one dollar’; náaptit x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘twenty dollars’; plašmí x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘silver dollar’; mɨx̣šmí x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘gold piece’; pláš x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘silver’; x̣ax̣áykʷi ‘moneyed, with money, one who has money’. [NP /kcuy/.]
Financial wealth.
Prostitute. [NP kicuyew̓éet** /kcuyew̓et(u)/.]
Bank; purse. x̣ax̣aykʷpamá taat̓áwas ‘billfold, wallet’. [NP kicúuynim ˀiníit.]