Grow, grow up.
- nákttawax̣n ‘grow with’;
- šapáttawax̣n ’cause to grow, raise’.
- kúušnaš ttáwax̣na ín ‘I grew up that way’;
- aš kú wačá miyánaš ttáwax̣šana ‘when I was a child growing up’;
- kʷnáataš kú ttáwax̣na ƛ̓áax̣ʷ nɨ́ma ‘there then we all grew up’;
- apam kú ttáwax̣ta kupam p̓ɨ́x̣ta ‘when you grow up you will remember’;
- ana kú ttáwax̣ɨnx̣a čɨ́mti tkʷátat kuna pamáwšuwata káˀuyitay ‘when the new food grows we will get ready for the root feast’;
- ku ana kú ittáwax̣šana pɨ́n ‘and when he was growing up’;
- aš kú ttáwax̣šana ‘when I was growing up’;
- aš kú ín ttáwax̣šana kuš čáw mún wínax̣ana wánptyaw ‘when I was growing up I never would go to the medicine singing’;
- ana kʷná ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a yáƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa tkʷátat ‘where food grows in the wetlands’;
- k̓ʷáytaš wá naamí tkʷátat ana mɨná ittáwax̣ša ‘that is our food wherever it is growing’;
- ana tún kʷná ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a míti k̓ʷáyna wá naamí tkʷátat ‘anything that grows there beneath, that is our food’;
See more:
[NE ttúux̣n; NP /piˀímn/.]
Finish growing, complete growth. Also ttáwax̣naq̓i. ittáwax̣tnaq̓iša ‘he is finishing growing up’; áttawax̣naq̓ita ‘its [body] will finish growing’; pattáwax̣tnaq̓iya ‘they finished growing up’; ana kú ittáwax̣naq̓ix̣a ‘when it finishes growing’. [NE ttúux̣tnaq̓i; NP /piˀímnaq̓i/.]
Swell, be swollen. itɨ́tsana ‘it was swelling’; itɨ́tna ‘it swelled up’; átɨtna ‘his swelled up’; šɨ́kškš áttša núq̓ʷaašpa ‘he has tonsilitis’; tɨ́tni ‘swollen’. [NE wáatpni; NP /púxsteyn/; /p̓úl̓emn/.]
hananúytɨmn ‘talk nonsense’.
wiyáˀuyi ‘go first, go out first’.
cɨ́ˀliwi ‘be arrogant, act proud, be too good for’.
Walk with a cane. itúk̓ʷanaytišana ‘she was walking with a cane’. [NW túk̓ʷanati; NP /túk̓ekeˀeyk/ ~ /tuk̓elíkn/.]
Walk around with a cane. túk̓ʷaninx̣aaš ‘I walk around with a cane’. [NP /tuk̓el´knik/ ~ /tuk̓elen/.]
Be situated. Bound. Perhaps better analyzed as tún (which suggests túun in the present tense). áwx̣atun ‘stand around’ (plural subject); pátun ‘sit’ (individuative inanimate subject); ptún ‘sit’ (distributive inanimate subject); pátuk ‘place’ (individuative object); ptúk ‘place, set dishes’ (distributive object); tamátun ‘sit’ (plural subject); túti ‘stand’; wáwtuk ‘camp overnight’; wáwtun ‘survive, live on’; pátu ‘mountain snowpeak’. [NP /tun/.]
Step on sharp object. tunáqʷtčaaš ‘my foot got stuck’; tunáqʷtčɨnnaš ɨstípa ‘I have stepped on a needle’; tunáqʷttšaaš ‘I have my foot stuck on a thorn’; itunáqʷtča šnɨ́maašuyaw ‘he got his foot stuck on the thornberry tree’. [NE tiináqʷtk.]
Go upstream. itunína ‘he went upstream’; ituníšama ‘he was coming upstream’; patuníša ‘they are going upstream’; áw patunína ‘now they went upstream’; núsux ituníša ‘salmon are going upstream’; itunínx̣a núsux ‘salmon go upstream’; itunínšamš núsux ‘the fish are coming upriver’; ku aw kú ánč̓ax̣i itunínɨma ‘and then again he came up river’; qásutunik ‘ride upstream’; tamátunik ‘blow upriver’; tkʷáytunik ‘swim upstream (of fish)’; tk̓ʷátunik ‘walk up river’. Used transitively: kúušx̣i núsux ku itunínɨmta wánana ‘in the same way salmon then will come up the river’. [WS wanáwač; Y túninn; NP /tol´yn/.]
Be or act different. itúnx̣na ‘he acted different, it got different’; itúnx̣ša ‘he’s acting different, it’s getting different’; patúnx̣ɨnx̣a ‘they act different’; wiyátunx̣i ‘change’.
Gallop, run away. aw kú patútanaytiya ‘then they galloped away’; patútanaytiya k̓úsima ‘the horses galloped away’.
Parade on horseback (as in a memorial), parade around on horseback with regalia, bring out a deceased person’s clothes decoratively attached to a horse in a memorial parade, trot first and then gallop. patútanknikša ‘they are parading around’. [NP /cúlkelyk/.]
Go to town on Saturday, go shopping. áwna tútapniša táwnyaw ‘now we’re going to town shopping’.
Gallop back. ku patútatux̣a ‘and they galloped back’.
Look up, lift the head up. [NP /wáwtalahsa/.]
Poke the head inside. [Cf. NP /wéwteylek/ ‘stoop, hang the head’.]
Arrive head first (such as entering the sweathouse). itx̣átutawiyanawišana ‘all of a sudden he poked his head in’.