Woman’s sister, woman’s female cousin, woman’s female friend. ínƛ̓aks ‘my sister’; ímƛ̓aks ‘your sister’; ínƛ̓aksanɨmnaš ɨ́nna ‘my sister told me’; áwɨnanam ímƛ̓aksaan ‘you told your sister’; ƛ̓áksin pawačá ‘she was with her sister’; ímƛ̓aksin páˀɨnna ‘your sister told him’; pɨnmínɨmš ƛ̓áksnɨm ɨ́nna ‘her sister told me’; inmí kałanmí áwača mɨ́taw ƛ̓áksma ‘my grandmother had three sisters’; pyax̣í x̣áwš lúukš ku tmɨ́š ku wíwnu pawá páx̣naw ƛ̓áksma ku kʷná áwa pyáp čúuš ‘bitterroot, cous, biscuit root and chokecherry and huckleberry are the five sisters and there is their elder brother the water’; mɨlá áwača ƛ̓áks x̣awšmí ‘it is the ugly sister of the cous’.