
Woman’s younger sister. líya ‘sister!’; ínyuks ‘my sister’; ímyuks ‘your sister’; ɨsíp ‘(her) sister’; inmí ɨsíp ‘my sister’; ínyuksin páˀɨnna ‘my younger sister told him’; mán iwá ímyuks ‘where is your younger sister?’; imyuksanmí áwa ‘it’s your younger sister’s’; pátwanɨmta ɨsípin x̣áwšin ‘her younger sister the cous will come following her [the celery]’; pátwanɨmta ɨsípin tmɨ́šin ‘her younger sister the chokecherry will come following her [the luuksh]’; číš iníya inmínɨm ɨsípnɨm ‘my little sister gave this to me’; pɨ́nˀɨsipnɨmnaš ɨ́nna ‘her younger sister saw me’; pɨnˀɨsipmí áwa ‘it’s her younger sister’s’; ɨsípa iq̓ínušana ‘she saw her little sister’. [NP /ˀcip/.]