
Cook, ripen. ku kúušx̣i pɨ́n át̓ita níix̣ ‘and in the same way it will cook well’; ana kú áwat̓ix̣ana ‘when theirs would cook’; yakanmí nɨkʷɨ́t áwat̓ix̣ana ‘the bear meat would cook’; áw át̓iša nɨkʷɨ́t ‘the meat is cooking now’; át̓iša tmaanít ‘the berries are getting ripe’; áw šnɨ́m át̓i ‘now the thornberry has ripened’; áw át̓i wíwnu ‘the huckleberries have ripened now’; ana kú át̓iša tmɨ́š ku kúuk pawalptáykɨnx̣a táalma ‘when the chokecherries are ripening then the little black cricket sings’; ku ana mún át̓ix̣a šnɨ́m ku kúuk át̓ita wíwnu ‘and when the thornberry ripens then the huckleberry will ripen’; ínaat̓i ‘roast’ (vt.); íyat̓i ‘roast on a stick’ (vt.); at̓iyáł ‘uncooked’. [NP /ˀéti/; /laq̓i/ ‘ripen’ (of fruit).]