Men. Plural of wínš. awínšma pamáwapawax̣ana mɨx̣ɨ́ški ku tílaakima luc̓áki ‘the men used to paint up with the yellow and the woman with the red’; ana kʷɨ́ni pawáma nápu awínšin ‘from where the two men came’; awínš kútkut ‘manly work’. [NP /haham/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Men. Plural of wínš. awínšma pamáwapawax̣ana mɨx̣ɨ́ški ku tílaakima luc̓áki ‘the men used to paint up with the yellow and the woman with the red’; ana kʷɨ́ni pawáma nápu awínšin ‘from where the two men came’; awínš kútkut ‘manly work’. [NP /haham/.]