Invisibility, empty space, the spirit realm, air, thin air. hawláak tkʷápaničanwim ‘hand down your spirit’ (said in prayer); hawláakyaw tiičámyaw áw iwínana ‘he went now to a spirit land’ (said when someone has died); kuna iníya walptáykt hawláakni ‘and he gave us the singing from the spirit realm’; kunam ím pánaknuwimta imikíin hawláaki apápki ‘and you will keep me with your heavenly hand’; kunamta ičáx̣ɨlpawamta anam kú čɨ́ni iwínata náx̣šyaw hawláakyaw tiičámyaw ‘and he will open it to you when you go from here to a spirit land’; hawláak tímaš ‘the invisible paper’ (records all our good deeds and transgressions). [NP /héwlekn/.]