
Go by. ikʷíyaana ‘he went by’; pakʷíyaana míimi ‘they already went by’; áw ikʷíyaan ‘he is going by now’; k̓úsiki pakʷíyaan ‘they are going by on horseback’; máysx ikʷíyaanta ‘it will be going by tomorrow’; ana kʷná šuyápuma pakʷíyaanta ‘where the white people will go by’; čikúuk pakʷíyaamša ana kúušx̣i náma ‘today they are coming by same as us’; ikʷíyaanx̣ana ‘he used to go by’; ku ikʷíyaana Spilyáy ku páwiyaq̓inuna ‘and Coyote went by and saw her’; pútɨmt ku páx̣at ikʷíyaan k̓úyciyaw ‘it’s a quarter to nine’. [NE kúyaann; NW kʷíita.]