
Bead. iwíˀaniša k̓pɨ́tki ‘she is beading’; k̓pɨ́tki aníša ‘she is doing beadwork’; tílaakima pawíˀaniša k̓pɨ́tki ‘the women are doing beadwork’; inákpaaša luc̓áan k̓pɨ́tna ‘she is separating out the red beads’; k̓pɨ́tna isáp̓awisa ‘she is separating beads’; áwyaskawimšnaš k̓pɨ́tna ‘I have picked up some beads as I came along’; k̓pɨ́tki anít ‘beadwork’; k̓pɨtłimá ‘beaded’; čák̓ptk ‘ball up’; šapáq̓ɨptk ‘make a fist’. Ablaut: k̓páat ’round, spherical’; k̓píit ‘ball’. [NP /q̓l´wn/.]