
Instrumental case. Emphatic. kunam ím pánaknuwimta imikíin hawláaki apápki ‘and you will keep me with your heavenly hand’; tiičámna páˀiƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷix̣a pɨnmikíin púwiki ‘it covers the ground with its snow’; ku pináwšuwata pɨnmikíin wáwnakʷšaški ‘and she [the food] will get herself ready with her body’; pasɨ́nwišana imaamikíin ‘they were talking about you folks’; kúuš pináwšuwana pɨnmikíin qqaanáytki ‘thusly she got herself ready with her work’; isɨ́nwiya pɨnmikíin sɨ́nwitki ‘he spoke in his own language’; isɨ́nwiya pɨnmikíin ‘he spoke about him’; imaamikíin ƛ̓áax̣ʷ isɨ́nwiya ‘he spoke about you all’; imiinamikíin isɨ́nwiya ‘he talked about you two’. [NW -kínk.]