

Away from the speaker or the speaker side. Also has the meaning of disappearing, going away, or an action suddenly occurs away from the speaker. Implies ‘further on’ from some point already away from the speaker.


Translocative directional. Attack to the verbs.


  1. iwínakika ‘he went on’;
  2. ku kúuk sɨ́nwit iwáanačičɨnkika naamíyaw níityaw ‘and then he sent word on to our house’;
  3. kʷɨ́łnaš k̓ʷáy ínč̓a tɨmnanáx̣ɨnkikš ‘that much further also I have told the story’;
  4. ku aw kú iwaanáytɨnkika saysáy ‘and then the worm went on out’;
  5. Reduces to -yk after the aspects.
    1. áwš wayčát̓ašaykš ‘now I am wanting to cross on over’;
    2. ku iwáanaytɨnx̣ayka ‘and he would go on out’.

See more:

-yk (after the aspects).

[NE -čič; NP /-kik/.]