
In that manner, that way, thusly. kúuš pasɨ́nwix̣ana nč̓ínč̓ima ‘thusly the elders used to say’; kúuštaš łq̓íwix̣ana maysxmáysx ‘we would play that way every day’; kúuš iwačá miimi ‘it was like that long ago’; paˀílax̣yawitax̣ana nɨkʷɨ́t kúušx̣i núsux kúušx̣i x̣nít ‘they used to go dry meat and salmon and roots’; čáw mɨná iwačá aníyi tamicáwas ana kúuš wá čikúuk ‘nowhere was there a man made cemetery like we have today’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷna wá pápanaymuni ana kúuš lɨ́xskni ttáwax̣tkni ‘we are all related to each other as from a single pedigree’; pakúussimna ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pamáwapawata ‘we’ll all dress up the same’; kʷɨ́ł áw kúuš ‘that’s all’ (said at the end of a speech); kúušx̣i ‘in the same way, similarly’; ana kúuš ‘like, as, such as’. [NE kuˀúš; NW íkuš, íkušk; kúšk; NP /kuˀús/.]