Ours, our. Genitive plural. čítaš wá naamí tiičám ‘this is our land’; kúuštaš pasápsik̓ʷašana naamíma nč̓ínč̓ima ‘our elders were teaching us thusly’; kúušnaš áykɨnx̣ana naamímaaman nč̓ínč̓imaaman ‘thusly I used to hear our elders’; ana kʷaaná pátamanwiya čná tiičámpa naamíyay ‘that which he ordained in this land for us’; áwtni iwá tkʷátat naamíyay ‘the food is tabooed for us’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwačá míimi sápsik̓ʷat naamíyaw ‘that which was the teaching for us long ago’; x̣ʷayamá iwáynana naamíkni ‘the eagle flew away from us’; naamí sɨ́nwit ‘our words, our language’; naamíč̓a ‘ours too’; laamiksá ‘ours alone’; naamísɨm ‘ours only’; naamíx̣i ‘ours similarly’; naamíx̣uš ‘ours first’. [NW niimí; NP núunim /núunnm/ (exclusive); /kíye/ (inclusive).]