
Salmon, generic salmon (Oncorhynchus and anadromous Salmo spp.). itkʷáytunikša núsux ‘the salmon are going upstream’; áyaša núsux ‘the salmon are spawning’; isuyátka páłpaski núsuxna ‘she put them on roasting sticks’; itamánwiyayiyana pyax̣í, x̣áwš, lúkš, tmɨ́š, wíwnu ku núsux ku yáamaš ‘he ordained the bitterroot, cous, biscuit root, chokecherries, huckleberries and salmon and deer for us’; nusuxmí áčaš ‘Munro’s globemallow, Sphaeralcea munroana‘; nusuxmí yápaš ‘salmon grease’. [NP /nacoˀq/.]